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Drchirag patel, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
- Lie down flat on the floor, on your abdomen.
- Then try raising your whole body with the support of your palms, which would be firmly grounded on the floor with fingers pointing backwards.
- Sitting on your upper scales, put your knees touching the floor.
- Then stretch out the fingers of hands and firmly place the palms on the floor or the Yoga net.
- Ensure that your elbows remain on both the sides of your navel.
- Now start stretching both legs together and come a little bit forward, but slowly and cautiously, After that try raising your upper part of the body.
- Once the upper part of the body is raised up, straighten both of your legs together like one stick.
- Now your posture would be as shown in the image.
- To get released from the asana is not so difficult; you can devise your own easy method that does not hurt your body.
- The Mayrasana (Peacock Posture) provides exercise to all of the parts of the body.
- It helps in toning up of some of the internal organs like liver, kidney and pancreas
- Those who have stomach disorder would be benefitted by doing this asana.
- Mayurasan keeps the whole body in a balanced and concentrated position.
Marcocarvalho, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons |
If you search the web for the yoga and how to do yoga postures you would find numerous links. We are not to add here one of the links.
Here it is tried to give a short index of the articles which would let the yoga seekers know the fundamentals of yoga and how the different types of yoga poses are done.
These articles are written in the most possible simple manner so it can help those who want to know about yoga in nutshell.
The regular practice of doing yoga postures could render us with more awareness of the exact relationship between our mind and body. After doing these exercises for a period, one might start feeling that his or her body moves with balance and grace, her or his mind functions with mental and physical balance.
Thus the yoga asanas are not merely a collection of exercises or the sets of physical activities, but it is the system that is developed and time to time refined over the ages.
Yoga Schools:
There are certain schools of teaching yoga and yoga asana. These schools are not the watertight compartments teaching different yoga postures, but they use different techniques, and their goal is common. These schools are not different from each other in many respects, and they are or have been recognised as part of one another at different times, too.
If ware to look at a few yoga schools teaching the yoga in various ways, the first we would remember would be Ashtanga Yoga.
HATHA YOGA: Postures With Meditation and Pranayama
The system known as Hatha yoga combines physical postures, along with upholding the necessity of moral attitudes that a human being should have. It is a holistic approach helping to reduce our mental stress. The practise of these yoga postures increases the overall well-being of our body and mind.
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